Monday, April 11, 2016

How Do Blind People Read And Write ?

Blind people read and write through Braille script. Braille script is a system of writing that uses raised dots to enable the blind people to read and write through sense of touch. The system consists of 63 characters, each having one to six raised dots arranged in six position matrix or cell embossed in lines of paper. Blind people move their fingers lightly over the copy to read the text. Louis Braille invented the system in 1824 when he was a student at the National Institute for Blind Children, Paris.

Blind people reading through braille book
Blind people reading through Braille Book

Louis Braille
Louis Braille was born on Jan 4, 1809 at Coupvray near Paris. He was blinded at the age of three in an accident when he was playing with tools and tool slipped and plunged into his eye.

Charles Barbier
Charles Barbier, a French army officer, invented a system of tangible writing using dots in 1819 for night-time battlefield communications. Inspired by this, Braille developed a six-dot "cell" System.

Valentin Hauy
Valentin Hauy, a Frenchman, embossed paper as a means of reading for blinds for the first time by printing normal letters.

Louis Braille's system was officially adopted bu National Institute for Blind Children in Paris in 1854, two years after Louis Braille's death.

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